- secure, cross platform web meeting/conferencing software with multi-user whiteboard, audio/video conferencing, desktop sharing, 3d graphics and built-in programming language Presenter Conference Room Example


This example shows a conference room with a different layout to the conference example. It has also been set up in presenter mode, which means that only one user can draw on the whiteboard and transmit video/voice; all other users can only watch.

NOTE: if you log in with username "admin", you will be the presenter and you will be able to draw on the whiteboard and send video and voice. If you log on with a different username, you will just be able to watch (you can log on twice with two browser windows to see this).

When logged in as admin, use the "grant presenter" button to temporarily grant another user presenter status (as well as yourself).

Click here for whiteboard Help

Click here for conference help

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